The Best Indicator Of The Efficiency Of Exercise Is
The Best Indicator Of The Efficiency Of Exercise Is. Cardiac output (Q) = stroke volume (SV) x heart rate (HR) Since SV reaches its maximum with light exercise, during exercise HR is the best indicator of how hard the heart/CV system are working. Weegy: The best indicator of the efficiency of exercise is heart rate.
Exercise makes your heart more efficient Typical resting heart rate can vary quite substantially between people and even within an individual. An efficiency ratio can calculate the turnover of receivables. The best indicator of the efficiency of exercise is A. sweat rate.
When you exercise, the heart beats faster to meet the demand for more oxygenated blood entering muscle cells in order for your body to keep up with intense physical activities.
Muscle Fitness - your muscles adapt to the increase in exercise by getting stronger.
Aerobic Fitness - your heart and lungs get used to processing more blood and oxygen and your cardiovascular system responds by becoming more efficient. Three different measurement methods include: target heart rate ; talk test; exertion rating scale. The best indicator of the efficiency of exercise is A. muscle soreness.
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