What Is The Best Chocolate In The World
What Is The Best Chocolate In The World . Hershey's boasts two of their best selling products in the US. In November, a competition in London awarded a gold prize to one of Cecilia's handiworks, a single-plantation chocolate called Chuao. I am told this is the best chocolate cake in the world- and the place ... (Earl McDonald) In November, a competition in London awarded a gold prize to one of Cecilia's handiworks, a single-plantation chocolate called Chuao. Last but definitely not least, our top spot chocolate goes to Swiss chocolate brand Lindt. Top Best Chocolate Brands of the World Lindt & Sprüngli Country: Switzerland This confectionery and Swiss Chocolatier chocolate brand are also typically recognized just as Lindt and popular for its chocolate bars and chocolate truffles. Puccini Bomboni (Amsterdam, Netherlands) While you're sampling, why not dial into one of my favorite movies, Chocolat, or order Joanne Harris's Chocolat book ...