What Is Vigorous Exercise
What Is Vigorous Exercise . Vigorous-intensity physical activity requires a large amount of effort, causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in a person's heart rate. Connect to an upcoming class or event Learn about leading technologies and treatments, attend a support group, and much more! The benefits of vigorous exercise. Vigorous exercise of more than 6 MET ... (Jason Rios) Vigorous-intensity physical activity requires a large amount of effort, causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in a person's heart rate. Vigorous exercise test If you can't utter even a few words without taking a breath, the Mayo Clinic says you've found yourself in the vigorous zone. Vigorous activities require the highest amount of oxygen consumption to complete the activity. Both forms of exercise can be useful as you attempt to improve your health. You won't be able to say more than a few words without stopping to catch your breath. ...