Social Security Disability Process Flow Chart
Social Security Disability Process Flow Chart. The task that Dylan and I selected was social security/disabilty benefits and how to apply/qualify. The first step in the process of getting disability benefits is making sure you qualify for those benefits.
The five steps flow from the definition of disability found in the Social Security Act. z. You can apply for SSDI benefits online at any age. The Social Security benefits claiming strategy known as "start, stop, start" was scaled down for individuals, and eliminated.
Based on the timeframe for each phase of the application process, it can take anywhere from three months to almost three years to be approved for benefits.
When your first apply for disability benefits, you complete an Initial application.
The PIA is the key factor in the calculation and acts as the base amount for your social security disability monthly payment. There are many different criteria looked at by the SSA. I developed the following flowchart in order to provide a more complete picture of what factors Social Security considers when deciding whether a claimant is disabled.
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